The Best
Classes (Currently Reviewing)
[Graduate Level]
- CS 268 Computer Networks ~ Sylvia Ratnasamy
- CS 262A Advanced Topics in Computer Systems ~ John Kubiatowicz
- CS 262B Advanced Topics in Computer Systems ~ David Culler
- CS 286 Implementation of Database Systems ~ Joe Hellerstein
- CS 261 Security in Computer Systems ~ Raluca Ada Popa
- CS 261N Internet/Network Security ~ Vern Paxson
Books (Currently Reading)
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools ~ Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman
- The Language Instinct ~ Steven Pinker
- The Linux Kernel ~ David A. Rusling
- The Linux Programming Interface ~ Michael Kerrisk
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications ~ Various
- Linux Device Drivers ~ Corbet, Rubini, and Kroah-Hartman
- Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective ~ Bryant and O’Hallaron
- Julia Evans
- Marek Majkowski
- Dan Luu
- Ming Thein
- Skull Security
- Russ Cox
- Kamal Marhubi
- Signs of Triviality
- The Morning Paper
- Drew Devault
- Kalzumeus
- Mango Zone
- Purple Idea
- Joel on Software
- Ramblings from Jessie
- Hugo Landau
- Bits of DNA
Some Security Goodies
- Hack The Box - live vulnerable machines for practice (++fun), also small challenges in crypto, reverse engineering, steganography, forensics, binary expliotation etc.
- IppSec - best hackthebox walkthroughs
- LiveOverflow - amazing explanations of stack and heap overflow exploits as well as format string vulnerabilities and ROP.
- Cryptopals - excellent set of practical modern cryptography exercises
- Exploit Education - downloadable vms vulnerable to (mainly) binary exploitation
- OverTheWire - some cool wargames (bandit especially nice for noobs)
- Awesome CTF List - curated list of best resources for CTFs